Good Deeds in the Snow

People of Troy have some good neighbors. Like Mark Morrine and Mark Sweener. Here are their stories of how they made a difference for people in our community.



Mark Morrine is the owner of Big Bellies in Lansingburgh. He saw one of his patrons who is older walk into his establishment and eat as they do everyday. This time as they walked outside he walked with them. He wanted to make sure that she did not fall and hurt herself during the snow frenzy we had here in the capital region. Mark walked her all the way home. This is what he said about it,

"I was walking a customer of mine home,” he said. “She’s an older lady. She’s one of our always customers that come in every day, so in this snow, I didn’t want her to walk home alone, so I walked her home so she got home safe, didn’t slip or fall." 


Mark Sweener a resident of Troy while the snow was falling on Tuesday and he said,


"Apparently people are going to wait until it ends, but I like to get it done early so it doesn’t build all the way up."


He then clearing snow away from his aunts home while she was away.



Two great examples of the capital region doing amazing things for our neighbors and for our community. If you have stories like these two please let us know in the comments below.


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